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How To Stop Biting Nails





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



How To Stop Biting Nails(圖1)-速報App

How to stop biting nails - About half of most kids and teens bite their nails. Many don’t grow from it, either. If you’re a grown-up who bites your fingernails, you may have carried out it when you had been younger and just by no means stopped.

Nail biting typically starts in childhood and may continue through adulthood, and the medical side effects may be more than aesthetic. Repeated nail biting could make your skin around your fingernails experience sore, and it could damage the tissue which makes nails grow, leading to abnormal-looking fingernails. Chronic nail biting may also leave you susceptible to contamination as you pass parasites and infections from your mouth area to your fingers and from your own nails to that person and mouth.

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖2)-速報App

Nail biting is a poor habit that may make the hands look unsightly. Additionally, it may permanently damage your fingernails, teeth, or gums. Luckily, there are several techniques you can test that will help maintain you from biting your fingernails and we have first got it in this app.

How to Stop Biting Nails app has 10 of the best ways to overcome nail biting. For some people, nail biting may be a sign of a more serious psychological or emotional problem.

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖3)-速報App

So, download this app to discover how to biting nails today!

1. Introduction

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖4)-速報App

2. Why Do People Bite Their Nails

3. How To Stop Picking Your Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖5)-速報App

4. How To Stop Chewing Nails

5. Nail Biting Treatment

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖6)-速報App

6. How To Stop Biting Nails For Guys

7. How To Stop Biting Nails In 9 Minutes

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖7)-速報App

8. Nail Biting Infection

9. How To Stop Kids From Biting Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖8)-速報App

10. How To Stop Picking Cuticles

11. How To Stop Toddler From Biting Nails

How To Stop Biting Nails(圖9)-速報App